Saturday 14 June 2014


Summer is coming. I can feel it and I am so excited! I will be able to post more videos on my YouTube Channel, and work on other secret projects that will hopefully be announced soon! - Sorry I hate when people do that, say there is a secret project and not tell you what it is. But anyway, I will have a great time doing these things and I will be very busy before going to college - and while I go to college. So I have around two weeks before summer starts where I can just sit back and relax. So what should I do with my time? This is the calm before the storm and I am ready to jump into everything after these two weeks are over.

I still haven't decided what I want to put on this blog. And I feel I keep accidentally talking about my YouTube Channel. So for two weeks I am going to do two or more blog tags each week! Just to get this up and running. After that who knows what I will talk about on here. I feel it is going to be good though. It is so different typing what I would want to say to you all, and I feel I am not the best at writing; maybe that is a good thing and this is something to help me become better at that?

Are any other bloggers reading this? If so please comment and tell me how you started and why, I think it is very interesting and I also want to follow more bloggers as I don't follow any as I have just started this. And I only know of bigger YouTubers (SprinkleOfGlitter and Zoella) blogging before YouTube.

Also comment if you have any topics or anything you would like me to talk (type) about in this blog.

Thanks for reading and you will hear from me on Monday!