Saturday 4 October 2014

Hard work and Having Fun.

I am trying to get into the swing of blogging. I really like the platform it gives me to write what I want and not have to make a video about everything, and it has a more relaxed feel to for me as I am just sitting, listening to music and writing what comes to my head.

If you watch my YouTube videos, you probably know my channel now has a new schedule and plan. It is going to be hard work, but it is going to be a lot of fun. I just want to blurt out all the ideas and videos that will be coming very soon, but I won't; I want them to be a surprise. I upload interactive gamess on Tuesday, and although they are a bit harder to make than a vlog, I find them a lot of fun, to create and play. And hopefully you guys will think they are fun. I feel there aren't enough of that type of video - I wrote a script for one interactive video about a year ago, but I felt I was inexperienced and couldn't pull it off. So I held it off and forgot about it. I then came across the file a few months later and thought so what if this is not what people are wanting - I thought this because not many people make these types of videos - I will do it anyway, because I would enjoy it. The video got, good feedback. I wanted to create more. I was talking to my friend Adam on twitter about videos - he also has a YouTube Channel he makes a ton of great videos (Scary Make Up tutorials, and vlogs)  - and I said I would love to make interactive games all the time, but not stop vlogging and he encouraged me to do more. So I made a plan that I would work out everything for the videos a month in advance - time to get all questions and games sorting takes a bit of time - so I made a promise to myself that as soon as the first week in October hits I would make two videos a week. I couldn't give up vlogging, making sketching or short films but I really wanted to try more interactive games. So it was the only solution for me. It is the first week in October right now so I don't know the outcome of this plan I have. But I can say one thing. I am having so much fun coming up with ideas and getting everything ready. It is hard work, there is more that goes into the videos than most people would notice. But I enjoy that and hopefully that will be portrayed and I can continue making these videos, with the same schedule. I am happy with the plans so far, maybe not a lot of people want to play games on YouTube. But if I am having fun - even though I am working hard - it is all worth it.

I am so glad I started YouTube as a hobby, it has given me so much happiness even though something like this probably seems so lonely and boring. It is so enjoyable; when your ideas become reality.

Thursday 25 September 2014

This needs to be said.

Hey guys, I would usually do this in video form but I am ill and I still want to contribute my opinions on what has been happening on YouTube recently. I know not many people know I have a blog and maybe no one will see this post but if you are one of the very few people who do and agree with what I have said please share it as we need to be talking about this more.

Just to clear up what spurred this blog post on and why I felt I needed to say something even though I cannot make a video right now. Over the last week on YouTube it has became apparent that Sam Pepper has sexually assaulted girls in his videos - which include forcing them to kiss him, pinching their bums and restraining them with a lasso. And in the last few days it has came out that he has also did this off camera in a more serious way. Sam has not said anything about these situations and has tried to cover up his actions saying they were either pranks and/or "social experiments". This year on YouTube similar situations like this have been exposed, and most of these YouTubers don't upload anymore. We can see a pattern in these cases of male YouTubers sexually abusing females, they use their power on YouTube to manipulate fans into doing something they don't want to be doing, usually these fans are a lot younger than them. Sam has brought something new to this pattern and that is showing this abuse in videos, by pressuring females into doing things they are clearly uncomfortable doing but because they have a camera in their face they feel pressured. But as this has came to our attention we can see more than Sam have been making these types of videos.

As we have heard from these instances of sexual abuse on YouTube, some of it starts out at gathering and conventions, which are meant to bring us together and we are meant to have a great time there. But for some people they left feeling abused and unconfortable. I feel events like this bring the community together, and for the future of YouTube will be vital. I am a small creator and I have never been to a YouTube gathering - so I can't comment on my own experiences; but with all these situations about the people abusing the YouTube platform in this way this year has shocked me. It might even make people stop going to gatherings through fear, and might as a whole put people off YouTube for good.

The people with vile intentions bring a bad name to YouTube. I feel the larger media outside of the YouTube community only really take an interest when something goes wrong; and I don't want this community known for the bad and this year especially, it feels YouTube hasn't had the best light shed onto the platform. And I can see why it has had such a negative image portrayed onto the platform. We should be working to make it a better place for everyone and show people with that behaviour that it is not acceptable. And to show YouTube is a place where we can all upload our videos weather that be a short film that took months and months to create; or just filming your cat at the spur of the moment because it got it's head stuck in a cardboard box.

The YouTube community are taking a stand, and bigger YouTubers are making more and more videos about this and trying to prevent this happening and to make viewers aware of what is going on. And hopefully these creators will not stop doing this.

As a community I hope we can put a stop to this behaviour, and the only way we can do this is to really come together and show creators like that are not welcome. YouTube as a platform is growing, and changing. If we stick together and help each other out YouTube will become somewhere nice again - somewhere we can all upload videos to share them like it was meant when the site was created, but on a bigger scale. If we do this the community will be stronger, and thank us for it.

I am not a good blog writer but I hope my opinions on the situation were portrayed correctly. Below I have left a few links of blogs and videos that I feel are what we need in situations like these. If you bothered reading all this and agree with anything I have said please share the link to this blog post. We need to show the world that we are not backing down and we need to show everyone what our opinions are or the whole community could be put under this negative bracket, which we know is not true.


Laci Green's video on Sam Pepper: Sam Pepper Exposed
Laci Green's open letter to Sam Pepper: An Open Letter To Sam Pepper
Vlogbrothers (Hank Green): Sexual Abuse, Consent and Culture
Charlieissocoollike (Charlie McDonnel): Sex & Consent
Jack & Dean's music video on Consent: Consent
A blog post on everything that has went on:

My Links:

Twitter: @Clairetweetsyou 

Saturday 16 August 2014

I will just start typing...

I have no clue what to say, but I feel I should say something. So I am just typing the first things that come into my head to help me conquer this writers block I seem to be having on this blog. At first writing just seems like an easy task; but to actually put real thought and meaning into the words you have to think. Once you start to think it is great, but before that you just type meaningless crap. I am used to typing scripts. This is much easier than blog writing in my opinion. A script can be saved and stored forever and be totally forgotten about; a blog post on the other hand is meant to be read I by others. If I write a script I can change, it while filming, I can change what I said while editing, I can change it completely, but with words it is hard to change it in the way I do in film. I really don't know where I am going with this long winded post. I suppose it was just to tell you guys I am still here. And I still have writers block.

Saturday 14 June 2014


Summer is coming. I can feel it and I am so excited! I will be able to post more videos on my YouTube Channel, and work on other secret projects that will hopefully be announced soon! - Sorry I hate when people do that, say there is a secret project and not tell you what it is. But anyway, I will have a great time doing these things and I will be very busy before going to college - and while I go to college. So I have around two weeks before summer starts where I can just sit back and relax. So what should I do with my time? This is the calm before the storm and I am ready to jump into everything after these two weeks are over.

I still haven't decided what I want to put on this blog. And I feel I keep accidentally talking about my YouTube Channel. So for two weeks I am going to do two or more blog tags each week! Just to get this up and running. After that who knows what I will talk about on here. I feel it is going to be good though. It is so different typing what I would want to say to you all, and I feel I am not the best at writing; maybe that is a good thing and this is something to help me become better at that?

Are any other bloggers reading this? If so please comment and tell me how you started and why, I think it is very interesting and I also want to follow more bloggers as I don't follow any as I have just started this. And I only know of bigger YouTubers (SprinkleOfGlitter and Zoella) blogging before YouTube.

Also comment if you have any topics or anything you would like me to talk (type) about in this blog.

Thanks for reading and you will hear from me on Monday!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

It Begins.

Hey Guys! Are you surprised to see me typing? While I make videos, I thought you would all like to see what happens behind the scenes of my YouTube channel and see things that I don't normally do on YouTube I want to post here. I am not too sure what I should be posting, but I will figure that out later.

Today is my one year anniversary on YouTube. 

It has been a weird year but I am glad I started this YouTube thing. I made a video to show you all what My YouTube Journey  has been like throughout my year on YouTube, and I am grateful for all my subscribers support and I can't wait to get started on another year, so I thought I would also make a blog to update you guys also. So let's see how this works out!